Is Atticus in the Bible? What does Atticus Mean

Atticus is a great name with a rich history. But is Atticus in the Bible?

Although Atticus appears in the popular TV show, the Chosen, Atticus is not in the Bible. His character is a creative liberty that the creators took to advance the story. Although Atticus is not in the Bible, the name is still worth studying. 

Atticus is a Latin Name 

The name Atticus has a long-standing history. It came from the Latin language that was used during the Roman Empire. 

Latin is a dead language, but it is a language that many others are based on. In English, many scientific names come from the Latin language. 

The name Atticus Came from Biblical Times 

In Biblical times, the name Atticus meant “from Attica” or “from Athens.” For the Romans, Athens was the peak of civilization. A man of Attica would have been a man with Roman citizenship, and respect in the eyes of the Roman people. 

Science, math, and philosophy all grew out of Athens. Some of the philosophies that influenced the modern world originated from Athens. 

In ancient times, Athens was truly a marvel. Its society was cutting edge, and it has become one of the most influential societies in the modern world. 

Atticus is not in the Bible

Although Atticus is a part of the popular Bible-based TV show, the Chosen, Atticus is not in the Bible. 

The name Atticus is neither found in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Atticus symbolizes wisdom and advancement, which are two core themes of scripture. 

Even a portion of the Bible is referred to as “wisdom literature.” Wisdom and gaining wisdom is an important part of the Christian life. 

Beyond that, advancement is also an important part of our lives. God called Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. He told them to subdue the Earth.

God’s calling to subdue the Earth, means that we should create advancement. We should take what God has given us, and expand upon it. 

Like the good steward, who made a good return on his master’s money, we should advance in the areas that God has given us. We should make advancements in the areas of health, finances, spiritual health, and more. Atticus can be a reminder to work hard where God has placed you. 

Biblical Figures with a Similar Name to Atticus

Although Atticus is not in the Bible, there are a few people with similar names to Atticus.

Augustus Caesar is a person in the Bible with a similar name to Atticus, and he appears in one of the most important Biblical narratives. Augustus was the founder of the Roman Empire, and he reigned over it for decades. He was even the Emperor when Jesus Christ was born. 

Ananias was another character in the Bible with a similar name to Atticus. Ananias was a Greek name, but Ananias lied about money and got in trouble for it. 

How do the Romans Fit into the Biblical Narratives

The Roman people are an interesting study when it comes to the Biblical narrative. The Romans and Jews had great distaste for each other. Jews did not want to be under the control of the Romans, and the Romans simply wanted the Jews to behave. 

The Romans became interesting because they were the empire ruling over the Jews during the time of Jesus. Although the Jews had their own customs and religious practices, the Romans oversaw everything that the Jews did. 

In the Old Testament, the prophets foretold about a savior who would save them from an evil kingdom. The prophets taught that the savior would come to abolish the rule of the Israelite’s oppressors. 

The Jews of Jesus’ time were looking for an earthly leader. They thought that the savior would come and overthrow the Roman government, and establish the Israelite nation forever. 

However, as we see through the Biblical narrative, that is not what happened. 

The Life of Jesus

The Bible teaches us that Jesus did not come to overthrow the reign of Rome, but to overthrow the reign of sin and death in people’s lives. 

Jews wanted Jesus to be a military leader who fought against the Romans, but Jesus taught them to pay their taxes. He told them to obey the authorities set over them. 

This was a shock to the Jews. They didn’t want to be told to submit to Roman rule, but they wanted to be encouraged to overthrow it. 

The Romans are present in Jesus’ story on multiple occasions. The most notable is in his betrayal and crucifixion. Although the Jews were the ones who wanted Jesus killed, the Romans were the ones facilitating the punishment. 

Jesus was falsely accused. He was imprisoned, and put on trial under the Romans’ rule. The Roman governor over Jesus’ case sentenced him to death and sent him to the cross. 

Jesus went to the cross, died, and rose back to life 3 days later. The Romans were a tool, used by God, to bring his forgiveness to all people. 

The Romans After the Time of Jesus

For the remainder of the scripture, the Romans remain present. 

The Apostle Paul even wrote a letter to the Romans, explaining to them the meaning of Jesus’ life. Some Jews understood the significance of Jesus’ life and converted immediately, but the Romans did not convert as quickly. 

The Romans were not studied in the Jewish traditions, so the prophecies and laws of the Old Testament did not mean much to them. Jesus’ life and death would need some extra dissection before the Roman people would accept Jesus. 

After the time of Jesus, Christians were still persecuted. The Jewish leaders and the Roman officials did not like the new religion that was being born, so they tried to put a stop to it. 

Roman emperors committed genocide against Christians. Specifically, Emperor Nero launched an assault on the early church. He wanted to appease the Israelite leaders and put an end to the Christian religion. 

Many Christians died, but the Christian religion continued to rapidly spread. Missionaries traveled throughout the Roman Empire spreading the news of the Gospel. 

Atticus in Modern Times 

Atticus has a rich history, but it is even present in today’s society. It has been used as a name in the United States, been a part of one of the most well-known novels of all time, and recently been used as a character in a popular TV show. 

Atticus is an Uncommon Name in the United States 

Atticus is an under-used name. In the United States, Atticus has not been a common name. 

Before 2004, the name Atticus was not even tracked on the list of 1000 most popular names. However, since 2004, Atticus has grown in popularity. It has gone from #933 to #274 in the past 20 years.

That might not seem like a significant jump, but it truly is. The name Atticus was not always popular, but it has become more popular in recent years. 

A reason for this might be its presence in popular  TV shows and books. These fictional characters can often influence the popularity of a name.  

Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird 

To Kill a Mockingbird was a revolutionary novel that had a character named Atticus. Harper Lee, the author of the novel, told a great story with an incredible lesson. 

In the story, Atticus Finch, a lawyer, defends an innocent black man, who has been falsely accused. Tom Robinson, the accused, faced an unfair trial because of the color of his skin. 

Atticus sticks up for this man, even though everyone the people of Maycomb County, Alabama are prejudiced against him. 

Finch depicted honesty and truth, as he defended someone who could not defend themselves. 

Harper Lee’s novel did a great job of communicating the problems of their society. She used Atticus’ character to depict a wealthy family sticking up for people who experienced racial prejudice. 

Harper Lee’s contribution to literature through classic literature became a staple of American literature. Many schools today require students to read To Kill a Mockingbird. 

To Kill a Mockingbird’s Atticus Finch became an example of how to stand against racial injustice. The classic novel played a significant role in changing the minds of many people throughout the United States. 

Harper Lee’s story helped the civil rights movement and increased the popularity of the name Atticus.

Atticus in the Chosen 

Another moment that Atticus is present in popular culture is in the show The Chosen. The show is a popular depiction of the life of Jesus, as he travels with his disciples. 

Atticus Aemillius is a character in this show. He is a Roman senator, who is good friends with Pontius Pilot, the man who sentenced Jesus to death. 

Within Roman culture, Roman citizens and Roman officials were the priority of the government. They had special access to protections as a part of the Roman nation. In the show, Atticus Aemillius uses his influence to help the disciples in their conflicts against the Jewish leaders. 

The show’s creators made a good choice when choosing the name Atticus. It is a Roman name and sounds like it would come out of the Bible.

Although the show is based on the Biblical texts, it is not a perfect rendition of the Gospels. They take certain liberties to enhance the plot and to fill time. Atticus is one of those liberties.

Final Thoughts about the Name Atticus

 The name Atticus is truly great. It is a strong name that comes from the time of the Romans. 

Atticus is derived from the Latin language and means “from Attica.” Attica was a region in the Roman Empire that was known for its impressive advancement in science, art, and philosophy. 

The name Atticus does not appear in the Bible. Although it became a name during the writing of the New Testament, it does not appear anywhere in the Old Testament or the New Testament. 

However, the name Atticus can remind us of the Roman Empire, and how it fits into the Biblical narrative. It is clear that God used the Roman Empire to bring about his will. 

Unfortunately, Jesus had to die, but God used his death to save millions from separation from Him. The Romans played a crucial role in the advancement of God’s will. 

Atticus is also a name that has been used in America. It has been used in famous novels and in a popular TV show about the Bible. 

It might seem like the name Atticus would be in the Bible because it is in the show The Chosen, but it is not. Atticus’ character is a creative liberty, taken by the creators to advance the story and plot.