Christians are called to be grateful for the things that God place in their lives. However, sometimes it can be difficult to find the words to express thanks to others. Whether we are talking to God, a peer, or a pastor, finding the way to express our thanks can be challenging. In this article there are thank you poems for Christinas. You can use these poems to pray to God, show thanks to others, and to remember to be thankful on Thanksgiving.

Thank You Poems to God
A Thank You Poem to Jesus by Teri Ellen Cross Davis
When the blue and red sirens pass you,
when the school calls because your child
beat the exam and not a classmate,
when the smart phone drops but does not crack,
the rush escaping your mouth betrays your upbringing:
thank you Jesus—a balm over the wound.
When the mammogram finds only density,
when the playground tumble results
in a bruise, not a broken bone,
like steam from a hot tea kettle
thank you Jesus—and the pent-up fear
vents upward, out. Maybe it’s a hand
over breast, supplication learned deeper
than flesh as if one could shush the soul,
the fluttering heartbeat with three words.
Maybe it’s not so dire—an almost trip on the sidewalk,
the accumulated sales total showing savings upon savings,
maybe it’s as small as an empty seat on the Metro
or maybe thank you Jesus—becomes the refrain
every time your husband pulls into the driveway,
alive and whole, and no one has mistaken him
for all the black, scary things. You mutter it,
helpless to stop yourself from the invocation
of a grandmother who gave you your first bible,
you say it because your mother, even knowing
your doubt as a vested commodity, still urges prayer.
You learned early to cast the net—thank you Jesus
and it’s a sweet needle that gathers the fraying thread,
hemming security in steady stitches. From birth
you’ve heard this language; as an adult
you’ve seen religion used nakedly as ambition yet
this sacrifice of praise, still slips past your lips,
this lyrical martyr of your dying faith
Thank You Jesus by Teri Ellen Cross Davis
Thanks For by Amos Wilder
Be our daily bread withheld, be it given,
Thanks for the bread from heaven;
Though on sense disease and pain come stealing,
Thanks for the spirits healing;
Thanks, when the springs of impulse are defiled,
For the renewing candor of the child;
Thanks, when the years sully the face of truth,
For the resurgent heart of youth.
Thanks, though we be cast off, unknown, alone,
Thanks that we are well known,
And though our outward man and lot decay,
The spirit kindles day by day;
Thanks that our sorrow by thine alchemy
Turns out to be the very fuel of glee,
That from our utter penury, we bless,
And having nothing, all things still possess.
A Thank You Poem to God for the Coming Year
Lord, too often our prayers
Are filled with impatience over what we want
Instead of gratitude for what we already have.
Remind us today and in the coming year
What is truly important.
Remind us to give thanks for family and friends.
Remind us to be grateful for the work you have given us.
Remind us to appreciate our many material blessings.
Most of all, remind us today and every day
To give thanks for your precious Son Jesus,
And the sacrifice he made for us
To give us eternal life with You in heaven.

Thank You, God by Catherine Pulsifer
I never say it enough,
But thank you God for
Forgiving me
And for not keeping score.
I am far from perfect,
Jesus was the only one
Perfect in love,
Thank you, God, for your Son.
Help me Father to recognize the many times
You have blessed me
Thank you, God, for all the beauty of the world
You created for me to see.
My Heart By Catherine Pulsifer
God, you know my heart
Better than I do;
You know how very much
I love you.
Thank you for the love you give
Each and every day.
Thank you for your grace and mercy
That you send my way.
Thank you for sending Jesus
To save us all.
Without Him in our lives
How we would fall.
Thank you for your Word that gives
Guidance to our life.
Thank you for being there
When I am dealing with strife.
Thank you for listening to my needs
As I pray.
Thank you for bringing me back
When I have strayed.
Thank you, God, for all
You have given me.
And, thank you, Jesus
For setting me free.

Pastor Appreciation Poems
A Good Shepherd by Reid Walters
Great and compassionate leader
Often teaching our congregation the truth
Open to anything that the Spirit wants
Desperate for the presence of the Lord
Sensational and caring guide
Hero of our community
Equipper of people
Passionate about people
Happy to serve
Essential to our hearts
Ready to take on life
Difference maker in our lives
-Reid Walters
Thank You for the Years of Wonderful Memories
Thank you for the years of wonderful memories
The smiles and laughter that bring us joy
You truly will be remembered for centuries
Because of all the goodness that you employ
Thank you for the decades of faithful service
Bringing worship and wisdom in due time
And when we talk its clear that you heard us
Willing to pivot on a dime
Thank you for all you do and have done
We believe that God has just begun
The Greatest Role Models
Respect is due to you both
Only God through you could have done this
Lifting our spirits with God’s Word
Empowering us with inspirational worship
Modeling What it Means to Follow God
Often choosing us over yourselves
Displaying true, sacrificial love
Extraordinarily caring for us
Life would not be the same without you
Showing us how we should live

Short Poems that Say Thank You for Lending a Helping Hand
A Poem Called Thank You
I really appreciate you,
Your helpful, giving ways,
And how your generous heart
Your unselfishness displays.
I thank you for your kindness,
I will not soon forget;
You’re one of the nicest people
I have ever met.
Thank God For Those Who Serve by Catherine Pulsifer
Thank you God,
With great respect
We graciously thank you
For those who serve and protect.
Though danger be near and
The night is chilly and long,
We praise You for those –
Bless their courage so brave and strong.
Protect them from harm,
This and every day,
Watch over their families
From worry far away.
Their sacrifice grand allows us to
Lay our heads down at night,
Therefore Lord in Heaven,
Please grant these heroes great might!
A Poem for the Life of a Loved One
Lord, this year there’s an empty chair at the table.
But instead of feeling sad, we give You thanks for (his, her) life.
(Name) helped make us who we are today.
(His, her) love and wisdom got us through every crisis, large and small.
And we give thanks for the laughter. Lots of laughter.
Lord, You blessed us with (his, her) presence here on earth,
But through Your Son Jesus, we will all be able to enjoy (name)
In heaven with You forever.
Thank You for this priceless gift.
—Jack Zavada
Quicked Our Gratitude by William Dean Howells
Lord, for the erring thought
Not into evil wrought;
Lord, for the wicked will
Betrayed and baffled still;
For the heart from itself kept,
Our thanksgiving accept.
For ignorant hopes that were
Broken to our blind prayer;
For pain, death, sorrow, sent
Unto our chastisement;
For all loss of seeming good,
Quicken our gratitude.

The Love by Catherine Plusifer
Let me never take for granted
The love that you give.
Thank you, God for creating me
And letting me live.
Thank you, God for watching
Over family and friends
Thank you, God for being
With me to the end.
Thank you, God for sending
Jesus Your Son, so
Your love we will
Always know.
Thank You Poems to Share with Others
Pastor Poems to Thank a Congregation
The Body of Jesus Christ
Thank you to the Body of Christ
We could not do what we do without you
Your value cannot be priced
Your unity and commitment is true
This church is built on every team member
Sacrificing time and energy to serve the kingdom
The fire of this church is from your ember
You bring the community an incredible rhythm
Thank you for all you do
With you, God is doing something new
By Reid Walters
The Faithful Community
This garden of community is watered by faith
As this place fosters peace and relationship
Positivity is the case
We will see a generational shift
This city built on the foundation of God’s love
Will become a thriving place for everyone
We will be as innocent as a dove
Where we can all collectively carry on
The city will be impacted by this faith community
Empowered by the Lord’s Sovereignty
-Reid Walters

The Best Congregation
Congregation, you are a gift of Jesus
Your care and passion make a huge difference
As I wrestled through difficult times
You continued to be faithful to the church
In the good times, you brought about even more joy
Showing the world the good news
You’ve had a response of praise weekly
To the things that God has done in your lives
You have showered my family with good things
Your words constantly uplift our spirits.
Today, we express gratitude for you,
And say thank you for you faithfulness to the church
Thank you.
Thanks For Everything by J.C. Barcus
For all that God in mercy sends.
For health and children, home and friends;
For comfort m the time of need.
For every kindly word and deed.
For happy thoughts and holy talk,
For guidance in our daily walk;
For everything give thanks.
For beauty in this world of ours,
For verdant grass and lovely flowers,
For song of birds, for hum of bees,
For refreshing summer breeze;
For hill and plain, for streams and wood.
For the great ocean’s mighty flood.
For everything give thanks.
For sweet sleep which comes with night,
For the returning .morning’s light.
For the stars glittering in the sky,
For these and everything we see,
O, Lord our hearts we lift to Thee,
For everything give thanks.
A Collection of Thanksgiving Poems
Thanksgiving by Ralph Waldo Emerson
For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)
A Thanksgiving Day Prayer by Scott Wesemann
Lord, so oftentimes, as any other day
When we sit down to our meal and pray
We hurry along and make fast the blessing
Thanks, amen. Now please pass the dressing
We’re slaves to the olfactory overload
We must rush our prayer before the food gets cold
But Lord, I’d like to take a few minutes more
To really give thanks to what I’m thankful for
For my family, my health, a nice soft bed
My friends, my freedom, a roof over my head
I’m thankful right now to be surrounded by those
Whose lives touch me more than they’ll ever possibly know
Thankful Lord, that You’ve blessed me beyond measure
Thankful that in my heart lives life’s greatest treasure
That You, dear Jesus, reside in that place
And I’m ever so grateful for Your unending grace
So please, heavenly Father, bless this food You’ve provided
And bless each and every person invited
A Traditional Thanksgiving Hymn by Theodore Baker
We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing;
He chastens and hastens his will to make known;
The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing,
Sing praises to his name: He forgets not his own.
Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining,
Ordaining, maintaining His kingdom divine;
So from the beginning the fight we were winning;
Thou, Lord, wast at our side, All glory be thine!
We all do extol thee, thou leader triumphant,
And pray that thou still our defender wilt be.
Let thy congregation escape tribulation;
Thy name be ever praised! O Lord, make us free!
A Thank You Poem for God’s Daily Provision
Thank God For His Gifts by Catherine Pulsifer
So often in this world, we think
Our accomplishments we have done
But may we never forget, God gave us gifts,
He gave us His Son.
You have given us
Let me be thankful
And not make a fuss.
When things don’t go my way
I must remember you above
As your timing is better
And you are full of love.