Celebrating Veterans Day as a church is an exciting thing. We get to honor all the veterans who served the United States of America on Remembrance Day. The problem, however, lies in how to effectively celebrate the veterans on Armistice Day. One great way that we have found to celebrate veterans on November 11th is to put Memorial Day poems into your service. Poems can be difficult to create, so we have compiled a list of the best Veterans Day poems for church.

Having patriotic poems in your Sunday service is a powerful way to celebrate everyone who served in the Armed Forces. The Air Force officers, Coast Guard, army, marines, and navy will all appreciate the special thanks through a poem. The poem doesn’t just honor the veterans who are still living, but also the ones who died in battle. Even if someone died in the Revolutionary War or the Civil War, a poem is a great way to remember them and the realities of life. They sacrifice themselves for a good cause.
If this is your first time using sweet poems during your service, you might be nervous about how it will go over. Veterans Day Nation endowment is a great time to try poems for the first time because it is a
Regardless of your church’s lesson plans, a Christian poem should not take too much of your service time, and it will show the Veterans’ support and appreciation.
Why Honoring Veterans at Church is important
The Bible teaches us the importance of honor and gratitude. Showing deep respect for the people who have served this great nation is important to follow God’s instructions.
Simply saying thanks from the pulpit might be too shallow of a celebration of Veterans Day. Poems are a way to unlock the deepest words of gratitude and show intentionality for your appreciation service. Poems are truly one of the powerful tools of appreciation that will be respected during your Sunday morning service.
It is important to honor the veterans because of what Almighty God said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Veterans put themselves at risk of losing their lives. Many veterans have lost their lives, so we should show them our highest appreciation through recognition during our Sunday morning service.
With all of that being said, here are some examples of Veterans Day poems.
1. To Honor Our Troops
What a Special Honor
It is to Honor Our Troops
Those Who’ve Gone Before Us
And offered their lives for our rights.
What a noble honor
It is to Honor our troops
Who fought for our lives,
And stood for justice in our place.
2. A Letter To A Troop
Thank you, officer,
for the service you paid.
When no one else would,
You fought for this nation
Thank you, officer,
For the time spent away from family
And the risk that you took
To keep us safe.
Thank you, officer.

3. A Call To A Family
To the officer who served,
Thank you for the time you spent
Serving this nation,
And offering your security for ours.
To the spouse who supported,
Thank you for allowing your spouse to serve
To protect the nation
To create a safer place for our families
To the children who waited for their parent’s return,
Thank you for enduring the absence of a parent
The parent who missed games protecting this country
Your sacrifice is forever thanked.
4. The Celebration of Freedom
We are in awe of our freedoms.
We can do and say what we want.
A privilege that is not universal.
Our freedoms are rare and beautiful.
Our freedoms come at a cost,
At the expense of lives and servitude,
Our freedom was purchased,
With the sacrifice of many.
5. Home of The Brave
The nation remains free,
As long as it remains the home of the Brave
The brave, who suited up,
Flew to distant lands
Stepped onto the field of battle,
And fought for our freedom.
As long as it remains the home of the brave,
The nation remains free.
6. Faith in Freedom
It is for Faith in Freedom that you volunteer your service
Your belief in the liberty of people
It is for trust in right that you offer your life
As a sacrifice for the protection of us.
Your faith in freedom is graciously appreciated
As you’ve made a sacrifice no one else would
We honor you today
For you, faith in freedom and belief in sacrifice.

7. The Land of Freedom
Because of you,
This is a land of Freedom
Because of you,
This is a place of safety
Without you,
There would be no freedom
Without you,
There would be no safety
Thank you for your sacrifice,
To offer your freedom for ours,
Thank you for your service,
To offer your security for ours.
8. Known Around the World
Your service is recognized around the globe,
When people see the American flag,
They remember the sacrifice that was made
It was with your life that freedom was paid.
Your service is known by people everywhere,
When you enlisted and made the life one that you share,
Thank you for your service,
You will be known around the world.
9. A Guiding Light
Your example is a guiding light,
Through the dark times,
Through the late nights,
Your service is a guiding light.
The example that you set,
Will never be put to rest,
As you light the path to freedom,
Thank you for your service.
10. No Unwounded Soldiers
In war, there are no unwounded soldiers,
The wounds of time lost
The wounds of post-traumatic stress
The wounds of physical injury
The wounds of lost loved ones
In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.
So we thank you for your service.
11. To Celebrate the Heros
Today we celebrate the heroes,
The heroes that took the battlefield
The heroes who served when no one else would.
Today we celebrate the heroes,
The heroes who stepped up in a time of need
The heroes who gave their lives
Today we celebrate the heroes.
12. Love of Home
It is a sign of love that you fought for this nation,
It is a sign of passion for the things that are right,
It is an homage to my passion for home
It is an homage to care for the people
It is a symbol of appreciation of freedom
Your fight is a sign of love.

13. Courage and Valor
Your courage is recognized
That you surrender your life
That you would step up
That you would step into the field of battle to protect what matters most
Your valor is saluted
That you would wear the uniform
That you would submit yourself to war
That you would fight for this great country.
Your courage and valor will forever be remembered.
14. Forever Remembered
They are the race –
they are the race immortal,
Whose beams make broad
the common light of day!
Though Time may dim,
though Death has barred their portal,
These we salute,
which nameless passed away.

15. Remember Again
On Veterans Day we remember again
Our men and women who served;
We honor them now for what they did then:
The liberties they preserved.
Let’s never forget their sacrifice,
The hard, heavy work they have done;
They did what was asked, crucial needs they fulfilled,
With a telephone, pencil, or gun.
We’re happy and proud to honor them;
They gave so much more than they got.
Our heroes, our veterans kept freedom safe;
All of us owe them a lot.
16. A Nation’s Strength by Walt Whitman’
Not gold, but only man can make
A people great and strong;
Men who, for truth and honor’s sake,
Stand fast and suffer long. Brave men who work while others sleep,
Who dare while others fly —
They build a nation’s pillars deep
And lift them to the sky.
17. The Sacrifice We Commemorate
To the servicemen
Who paid with their life
To ensure our freedom again
And to live without strife
Your sacrifice I commemorate
In my humble way
And your memory I celebrate
On this Veteran’s Day. Let us give up this time,
to give glory and praise.
To the world all around us,
to the changing of days.
We were born to be one,
to unite and hold hands.
But the war it continues,
still dividing the lands.
Such a sad time of year,
for the lonely and old,
Nothing worth giving in to.
nothing left to withhold.

18. The Cost of Comfort
While we were home on our comfortable sofas,
Munching and watching TV,
Our veterans were fighting our battles,
In situations, we’d certainly flee.
Whatever would keep us all safe
Is what they were called to do,
Rough duties of every kind
Protecting us: me and you.
V-aliant efforts against
I-ncredible odds, a
C-onclusive end, with
T-riumphant rewards.
O-utstanding Soldiers awaits,
R-ecognition well deserved,
Y-early celebrations, for All who served!
20. Blessed Souls
Oh you blessed souls
For us have fallen,
We wish
The loftiest of appreciations for your sacrifice to show
Thanking you for the opportunity given to us
Enjoy the greatest gift of all
You have missed:
21. Thank You to Our Soldiers
Thank you to our soldiers:
For standing in the line of fire
You are the best example of what this country can acquire
I know that being away from your family isn’t easy
Thinking about your sacrifice always makes me feel queasy
The battle that you are currently fighting in
Makes living day to day feel like such a win
Without you, our eagle would not soar
So thank you very much for fighting this war
Today we raise flags
Today we cheer
At the parade.
We remember you offered your life
To our land.
Today we consider.
Today we are free.
Your sacrifice rings
Proud and clear.
Tomorrow will come
But we understand –
You gave more
Than one day.
22. Defenders of the Flag
Our thanks to you for all you do
Defending our flag the red, white and blue
As Americans, we know what freedom means
The joy, the peace and the right to dream
Our thoughts and prayers are with you today
As you fight for freedom so far away
May God keep you safe in all that you do
And bring you back home to those who love you.

23. These Things I know
These things I know:
The sound of your honor.
The power of your courage.
The blood of your wound.
The depth of your strength.
The terror that binds you.
The dread that remains.
Your dignity and your valor.
For these things we pray:
The sound of your laughter.
The power of your voice.
The joy that frees you.
The hope that remains.
Your wholeness and your love.
24. You
You serve
for freedom’s need
“Kids thank a Veteran”
make butterfly cut-outs
to hang on the tree
with names
of fallen soldiers
whose ultimate sacrifice
fully faces the faraway sun
25. Little Red Poppy
I have a little poppy,
As red as red can be,
To show that I remember
Those who fought to make
Me free.
26. Bravery and Stregnth
With bravery and strength, they serve,
With dignity and pride, they stand,
With courage and hope they fight.
The life they live is dangerous, treacherous, rough, and had gone,
But when the fog clears
They are the ones who will stand.
27. Thank you
Veterans, we thank you
For all that you did
Thank you for making sure we do not lose our freedom
Thanks for making sure they do not forbid our rights
Thank you for making sure that in our lives we can all pursue multiple avenues
Thank you!
28. Proud to be an American
I’m proud to be American
Where at least I know I’m free!
And I won’t forget the men who
Died to give that right to me!
29. I Don’t Know
I don’t know war
Or the pain of it.
All you’ve endured
My gratitude feels insufficient
So I weave it in words
And pray they are
A gift fit for a soldier.
Thank you.
30. The Call of Duty
A call to duty is sent out
And the strong and brave reply.
They do it for the love of country,
So there’s never a need to ask why.
31. The Country’s Call
When you see someone in a uniform,
Someone who serves us all,
Doing military duty,
Answering their country’s call,
Take a moment to thank them
For protecting what you hold dear;
Tell them you are proud of them;
Make it very clear.
Just tap them on the shoulder,
Give a smile, and say,
“Thanks for what you’re doing
To keep us safe in the USA!”
32. Deserved Admiration
On Veterans’ Day we honor
Soldiers who protect our nation.
For their service as our warriors,
They deserve admiration.
We owe so much to them,
Who kept us safe from terror?
So when we see a uniform,
Let’s say “thank you” to every wearer.
33. Say Thank You
When you see a soldier
Be sure to shake his or her hand,
And let that soldier know you’re grateful
For the protection, the military affords our land.
But most of all express your thanks
For every soldier’s personal sacrifice.
In order to serve our country,
They risked their entire lives.
34. Overseas
While we were here at home,
They traveled land and sea,
To make sure we stayed safe,
To protect and keep us free.
Words are not enough;
To give them what they’re due.
On Veteran’s Day please thank them
For their service, to me and you.
35. Why?
Why did you leave home and friends,
comfort and safety,
to experience pain and hardship,
so I could be protected?
I don’t know, but thank you.
Why did you put yourself in danger,
injury and death are always a possibility,
so I could be free?
I don’t know, but thank you.
Thank you, veteran.
Thank you!
36. A Prayer for Freedom
As Christians in America,
We put God number one.
He so loved the world
That He sent His only Son. Christians love America,
And for our nation, we pray
That God will give us mercy.
Some pray this every day. Many veterans live among us.
Part of their lives they gave,
Serving these United States.
Freedom, they wanted to save.
37. To Honor them
On Veteran’s Day, we honor them,
that honored us with service.
those who paid the price in service,
The liberty we owe to them.
38. All They Love
They leave behind all that they love,
Their families, their homes and their lives,
Because to preserve these precious things
Is the goal for which each soldier strives.
So God bless our troops,
The courageous women and men,
Who fights to make sure
The bells of freedom peal again.
39. We Honor You
We honor you, who fought for us,
for the country’s sake of freedom’s plight.
You kept the greatest country great,
by the sacrifice of you who served.
Honor to military, soldiers served.
There seems no risk in peace to serve.
When war breaks the silent peace,
no peace when security cease.
A veteran’s not a rookie.
A vet has paid his dues.
A veteran knows the hell of war
just nuanced in the news. A veteran loves his country.
With pride, he greets its flag.
He stands up straight (still soldier-like)
although his shoulders sag. A veteran knows life’s precious.
Old memories make him cry.
He wonders why God let him live
when he watched others die.
Closing Thoughts
Having Veterans Day poems for church is an important part of celebrating everyone who has served. It changes service and brings something fresh to the table. We recommend that if you do a poem, pair it with Memorial Day prayers.
Having religious prayers at the end of the poem will center the focus back on God and give you an easy transition into your sermon for the day. Overall, Veterans Day poems for churches are an excellent way to celebrate the veterans in your congregation and nationwide. Hopefully one of these poems works well for your congregation, or they inspire you to create your own original poem.