The Best Audio Visual Systems for Church Experience

Managing church audio-visual systems can be a difficult task because there are many things to think about. You have to think about the praise band, the speakers, and anything else that might happen on stage. You might have an existing system that always seems to fail you, or you’re starting fresh with a new system. It can be intimidating.

Everyone in your church service is going to hear and see the production that was put into the church av system as they experience the worship services. Choosing the right pieces for your church av system can be stressful due to this pressure. 

The Reason You Need High-Quality Audio Visual Equipment

That is why I have created this article to help you think about all the things that need to be thought about from an AV system side of church service. Although you don’t have to put every product that is listed in your system, these are just the things that I recommend. We will also be providing some audio-visual supplier options in this article that we think are great. Feel free to check them out. With that being said here is what we have come up with for the best solution for a church AV system. 

Video Displays 

One of the systems that is essential to a well-rounded audio-visual experience is the church video system. Church Video Systems allow the congregation to see and understand the service and church culture better because it is a way to show graphics and images that represent your church. Furthermore, the video system will most likely be used for live streaming, which potential congregants might watch before attending your church. The video system is responsible for showing song lyrics, Pastor’s notes, and any other graphic elements in your services. 

With all of that being said, there are a few options and practices for video displays in the church world today. LED Video displays and projector screens are both popular forms of visual display so we will cover both and address the pros and cons of each. 

LED Video Displays

LED wall

One of the most popular forms of video distribution for churches is through an LED video display. LED Displays use a wall of lights to create a clear and color-accurate picture. As far as quality few things can beat a high-quality video projection from an LED wall. 

One problem with LED walls, however, is that they are expensive to install and fix. Compared to a projector system, LED walls cost much more in installation and maintenance. Furthermore, they can have a myriad of other technical problems that you might need a technician to come in for. 

We recommend LED walls for churches that are established and have a strong financial foundation. Although it might be nice to have a high-end LED wall it is not essential to your church service if it is going to cause financial stress. 


  • High-Quality Picture
  • Many look great on a live stream 


  • Expensive
  • Might have maintenance costs

There are so many different options at different price ranges for LED walls, so we will cover the LED wall options in another article, but be sure to do some research for yourself on the different LED wall options.

Projection Systems 

The other option for a visual display is the projector system. Projector systems have been used for decades now in churches to deliver information and graphics with relative ease. Furthermore, the cost of a projector system is far less than that of an LED wall. When choosing a projector system, you should also consider getting a nice projector screen. Project screens can truly help the quality of the image. Overall, projector systems are also a great choice when it comes to a visual system.

An issue with projection systems is that they are not as defined or high-quality as their LED wall counterpart. Although investing in an expensive projector should give you satisfactory color and options, it is hard to beat a great LED wall. Projectors don’t deliver the best quality of visuals, but they are serviceable.

A common configuration is to use an LED wall behind the band and projectors on the side walls (if you have side walls.) With this, you get more versatility and options without having to pay for 3 separate LED walls. 

We recommend the projector system for smaller churches or spaces that don’t have as many people meeting in them. If your main auditorium has tons of people, you might want an LED wall, but in your student ministry and kids ministry, it shouldn’t be a problem to have a good projector in there. 


  • Inexpensive
  • Decent Visual Quality on many models


  • Less Visual quality than the LED wall
  • Should buy additional bulbs and projector screens

There are tons of options for projectors, but here is one worth checking out: the Wemax Nova.

Camera Systems

Camera systems are an important piece of your church’s visual and online experience. Cameras display your service to the world and enhance your ability to reach people across the world. That is why a good camera system is important. Many people will visit your church online before they attend in person, so having a great online experience is essential. 

Camera systems might not be cheap, but they are an important investment for your church. Not only does the video footage go online, it also might be used for any videos you want later on, so don’t skimp on a good camera system. Of course, get what you can afford, but creating a great visual experience is an important thing for your church. 

Check out this camera that is a great option for church live streams.

Live Streaming Service

There are many different options for live-streaming services for churches. The live-stream service you choose can make or break your online experience. We recommend you put a significant investment into finding a great service that your church can use!

Handheld Mics

When it comes to audio, you need a good wireless microphone system. Although wired microphones work as well, wireless microphones are the best option. With wireless microphones, you get a few great benefits. One of those benefits is how the stage looks. Wired microphones and be messy, so having a wireless microphone system means that you don’t have to put up with any distracting cables. Furthermore, many wireless microphones give you greater control over the sound than wired microphones. 

One drawback however for wireless microphones is that they can be expensive and are more difficult to set up than wired microphones. Wireless microphones are a luxury, so a nice set of microphones, it can be expensive. Wired microphones are typically cheaper than wireless microphones, and they are usually just plug-and-play. Whereas with wireless microphones, you need to set up the receiver to the soundboard and find the right channel. Although it’s not too much of a hassle, it is something to think about. 

If you want to know more about some great wireless microphones, you should check out our article which is dedicated to wireless microphones. We go in-depth about which microphones are the best for your church.


  • Great Sound Control
  • Great Sound-Quality 


  • Can be expensive

Our Favorite handheld microphone is the Shure BLX

Gooseneck Microphones 

Another microphone system option is the gooseneck microphone system. It is a system where the microphone is connected to a cable coming from the ceiling, or attached to a podium. There are great for preachers’ microphones or choir microphones. They are not a common choice, but depending on your congregation’s needs they might be a good choice for you. If you want to know more about some great gooseneck microphone systems, check out our article, where we talk in detail about the gooseneck microphone system. 


  • It’s a microphone specifically for choirs and preachers


  • Little versatility

Sound Desks

Moving on to another important piece is the sound desk. Sound desks are simply where you place all of your sound equipment for the audio engineer. The soundboard and anything else that the sound engineer needs should be on this desk. We recommend getting a desk that has drawers to store microphones, cables, and anything they might need. Furthermore, you should consider getting a very stable desk, because sound equipment can be expensive, and the last thing that you want is to accidentally break your sound mixer. 

Audio Mixers

Your audio mixer is another piece that must be considered. You might be receiving the signal from your instruments, but without an audio mixer, you will be unable to make the sounds work together well. Getting a mixer that does the job well is an important choice for your audio systems. Audio mixers can truly bring a professional sound to your services, if you find the right sound engineer.

Let’s take a look at the two different types of audio mixers. 

Digital Consoles

An option that is growing in popularity is the digital mixer console. These sound boards are packed with features and displays that can help your sound engineer to harness the sound well. The digital mixers give you a better view of what is actually happening to the sound. 

We recommend these for churches that have a dedicated sound team. The digital mixer consoles are a good option for people who know what they are doing. Overall, digital consoles are a great option, so they might be worth investigating. 

Analog Consoles

The other form of audio mixer is the analog console digital mixer. There are consoles without the fancy LED screens or libraries worth of menus. Like the wired vs. wireless microphone conversation from earlier, analog consoles are like the wired microphones, because typically they are cheaper and easier to set up. 

We recommend getting an analog console if you are just starting out, or don’t have someone who knows sound well. It can be a nightmare trying to set up a digital console if you don’t know what you are doing, but analog consoles seem to be much easier to use for beginners. 

Speaker Systems 

The final part of the PA system that you should know about are the speakers. Although we’ve talked about a lot of different pieces of equipment, the speakers bring it all together. You might have industry leading microphones and sound boards, but without the right speakers, it might be a waste. We recommend to find the right type of speaker for your building and size. The right speakers do really depend on your church’s budget and needs. 

Final thoughts

Overall, creating a sound system can be difficult and intimidating, but just follow these pieces and you’ll be able to get everything that you need to creat a great experience for your congregation.