Why Instagram?

Instagram Can Be Intimidating
Instagram for churches can be very intimidating because there are so many things that churches are expected to consider when it comes to Instagram. The sheer posting itself is intimidating enough, but if you can use Instagram well, it can greatly benefit your church.
Things like Instagram bio, Instagram account name, Instagram Reels, and Instagram posts are all things that you have to consider when you are working on your church’s Instagram. Another thing that you have to think about is Instagram captions, so in this article, we want to provide you with some ideas for Instagram captions to help you to choose the perfect caption for your post.
The Benefits of Church Instagram
Instagram plays an important role in engaging your congregation outside of service times. There are 6 days in between each Sunday, so it is important to find a way to engage your congregation during those six days.
Through Instagram, you can provide inspirational posts to encourage your congregation. Because there are six days between most church services, your congregants might benefit from seeing a post throughout the week. A post like a snippet from the previous week’s sermon or a post of encouraging Bible verses can help the spiritual health of your congregants.
Beyond just communicating and encouraging your current congregation, Instagram is a great way to represent what you do to people outside of your church. Using captions you can make sure people who are considering attending your church know where the right place is and what to expect from the service. People who don’t go to your church might be curious about the demographics of your church or the dress style, so they will probably visit your church’s Instagram to get a good idea of what it’s like.
Of all of the social media platforms, Instagram is also the best way to connect with the next generation of church-goers. It is the most popular social media platform for high school students, so having a well-done Instagram can attract those younger congregants.
Our Caption-Making Ideology
The Types of Church Instagram Posts
In this article, we are going to cover a few different types of church Instagram posts because different posts require different types of captions. We want our posts to make sense from the images, videos, and captions, so we are going to break it down into a few different categories to make it easier for you.
The Sunday morning pre-service post is the perfect time to invite or remind people about your church service. Saturday is typically the night of the week when people go out, so it might be easy for people to forget about church the next morning. By posting before service on Sunday morning, you can remind your congregants about the church and build their anticipation for the service that is going to take place.
Throughout the week a great post you can do is a video clip of the sermon. Posting video clips of the sermon is a great way to remind your congregation about the message that your Pastor shared from God’s word in the previous week. It can be easy to forget the message throughout the week, but along with the clip you can post a specific quote that your pastor had during his message.
Bible verses are another thing that you can post to engage your congregation. You can post a graphic that makes the Bible verse look great, along with a caption that expands upon the idea of the Bible verse, so your congregation is reminded to be intentional about reading and studying their Bible.
Another post you can do is an event sign-up post. Event sign-up posts are a way of inspiring your congregation to get signed up for a specific event. Much work and planning go into church events, so promoting them adequately is important. When it comes to these kinds of posts we recommend being specific about what the event is going to be like.
The weekend recap post is another way of telling your congregation about the great things that God did through your weekend experience. You can post pictures about the weekend, and you can give a specific reason that it was so special in the captions. That way, you engage them not just with the pictures, but with a meaningful, perfect word to describe the weekend experience. Furthermore, this helps develop FOMO for the people who didn’t come to church. They can see that church was great, and that they shouldn’t miss next week.
Advertisement posts are another way to engage your Instagram audience and reach out to new people. You can pay for a sponsored post so that people in your area might see your post. For these captions, we recommend talking about your church a little, by saying your denomination and where your church is located. For example, if you are a non-denominational church in the Pheonix area, you should put that on your advertised posts, so people will know more about you.
What a Church Instagram Post Should Be
A church’s Instagram post should be a few things: encouraging, informational, and inspirational. The Bible is clear that encouragement is important when it comes to the Body of Jesus Christ, so we should use Instagram to encourage people. Furthermore, our Instagram posts should provide more information to people on the platform, so that they will feel more connected to our church. Lastly, our Instagram post should inspire our viewers to take the next step, such as attending a service, inviting a friend to church, or something else.
The most important thing about creating church Instagram posts is that they represent God and your church. Don’t try to be too edgy or cool, but simply try to represent God with the things that you post and say in the caption. We have worked very hard to come up with the best church captions for Instagram, so with all of that being said, here are 70 examples of church captions for Instagram.
Sunday Morning Pre-Service Post
- Happy Sunday! We are so excited about having service with our church community today at (whatever time your service is.)
- It’s Sunday, which means it’s time for church! Join us at your nearest site of worship for an incredible service!
- Get Ready for Church! Today all of our worship places are open and ready for you to come to experience church! Service times are (insert service times), so we’ll see you there!
- It’s finally Sunday, so we can’t wait to see you at church! Early Church starts at (insert time) and the second service is at (insert time), so we’ll see you then!
- We’ve got so many great things going on this morning! Two main services, youth service, and Sunday school are all happening right here, starting at (insert time here), so we’ll see you then!
- The first Sunday of the year – (The previous year) was the best year yet, but we’re looking forward to it (the incoming year). There is no better way to start the year off right by join us at church today!
- It’s Sunday Funday, so make sure that you are here at (the first service time) to experience a great Sunday morning service.
- You don’t want to miss church this morning, because it’s going to be life-changing! We’ll see you here!
- The first service is over, but there is still time to make it to our second service! It starts at (second service start time), so we hope to see you here!
- Join us today to meet friendly people, worship the creator of the Universe, and hear great Biblical teaching.
- Your real family is your church family, so don’t miss our family gathering together this morning!
- We can’t wait to see you at church this morning!
Event Sign-Up Posts
- Our church membership class is this week! If you want to know more about (the name of your church) and what we do, join us as we talk about (our church) and how you can be a part.
- Church camp is less than (insert amount of time here) away! Make sure you go and get signed up to reserve your spot for this great week!
- Summer camp is one of life’s big moments, so you don’t want to miss it! Go to our website to get signed up for this life-changing week today!
- The small group semester is just starting! If you want to make friends and learn God’s word at a deeper level, make sure you sign up for a small group!
- Dudes! Men’s night is this week! Join us for a meaningful time of worship, and a message, and hang out with us after for food and games! Get signed up today!
- Serve Day is this month, and we can’t wait to serve our city with you! Make sure you go and sign up as we impact the community together!
- Christmas is almost here, so make sure you grab your family and join us for our Christmas Eve services! We’ll sing Christmas songs and hear a powerful message on the Christmas story, so make sure you’re there!
- It’s the start of a new year, which means it’s time for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Come along with us as we spend the next 21 days in prayer and fasting toward God! If you want to participate, sign up online to let us know that you are going to be a part!
- This Sunday is Superbowl Sunday, so we’re hosting a Superbowl watch party at the church! Please RSVP by signing up online as we celebrate the big game!
- This Valentine’s Day we are hosting a parent’s night out! If you are planning on going out and need someone to watch your kids, sign up online! We hope you have a great Valentine’s Day, so sign your children up!
- Mother’s Day is this week! We’re honored that we get to celebrate all of our Mothers this Sunday! We’re reserving presents for all the ladies this week, so go online and RSVP so we can get you one!
- Our church’s annual Easter Egg Hunt is coming up quickly! Your kids are welcome to join us as we celebrate Easter, so go online and register your kid to come to Easter Egg Hunting with us!
- Hey, dads! Father’s Day is this month, so go register for our Father’s Day service where we will be presenting you with a free gift!
- The 4th of July is such a special holiday, so join us as we celebrate by grilling and having a fireworks show! Go online to RSVP and let us know that you and your family are going to be here!
- Our fall small group semester is about to kick off! Go online to register for tons of great moments this semester!
- It’s Summertime, which means that it’s time for VBS! If you want your kid to have a great week at VBS or if you want to serve at VBS, sign up online today!
- November is prime Thanksgiving time, so join us for our church-wide Friendsgiving! We’ll all bring our favorite Thanksgiving food item as we celebrate the Holiday! Make sure to register so we know what you’re bringing!
- October 31st is fall fest! Join us as we celebrate the fall season with games, rides, and food! Go online to sign up today!
- School is back in session, so come hang out with us for our back-to-school bash! We’re going to have a wild night of games and fun as we end the summer with a bang! Don’t forget to register online today!
- Our New Year’s Lock-In party is this month! We’ll spend the night at the church celebrating the New Year and having tons of fun, so make sure you get signed up today!
Video Clip of the Pastors Sermon
- This week our Pastor inspired us to have great faith in the things that God is doing! What do you have faith for this week?
- This week our Pastor taught us about God’s Holiness! He taught that (insert points here)!
- Easter was this past week, and our Pastor did an incredible job preaching the Good News about Jesus!
- This week we talked about how God is the only thing that we need! Whatever you are going through this week, remember that God can provide for you!
- This week our Pastor shared the beautiful expression of God through nature! He is evident through creation, so admire God’s work today!
- We talked about the reason that followers of Jesus meet in this weeks service! The reason: to eat and pray together! Check out this clip!
- Some blessings are unreserved blessings that you simply haven’t prayed for yet! Check out what our Pastor said about the unserved blessings.
- This week our Pastor talked about true believers putting their faith into action. Find a way to put your faith into action this week!
Bible Verse
- 1 John 4:18 – Perfect love drives out all fear, so we can be encouraged this week that God’s love is perfect and we don’t have to be afraid of anything.
- Jeremiah 29:11 – God’s plan for your life is the absolute best, so yield to His will in your life today!
- Deuteronomy 31:6 – You are called to be bold and courageous. No matter what you are facing, you don’t have to be afraid because God is with you.
- Proverbs 3:5-6 – You can trust in God’s path and knowledge, so you don’t have to do it all alone! Lean on God to help you understand life.
- Lamentations 3:22-23 – God is faithful, and His love for you is never-ending. Don’t forget to spend time with Him today!
- Psalm 34:8 – Run to God in the middle of your battles, because He is a refuge for you. Blessing is found when we run to Him.
- Isaiah 41:10 – Don’t be afraid, because God is with you. He will strengthen, help, and hold you up!
- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 – The challenges you are facing are temporary, but your relationship with Jesus is forever. Keep going, because God is on your side.
- Isaiah 26:3 – When we are faithful, God protects our peace, so trust in Him.
- Galatians 3:26-27 – No matter what your family situation looks like, God has adopted you. So act like a son or daughter of God.
- Philippians 4:13 – You can do anything if it’s God’s will, so trust in God’s plan and continue to pursue Him.
- Psalms 56:3 – Follow the Psalmist’s example, and when you are afraid, put your faith in God.
- Romans 15:13 – God can fill you with joy and peace, so place your trust in Him.
- Romans 8:28 – God’s plan is the best possible thing for you, so place your trust in Him and His plan.
- Proverbs 17:17 – You need friends in your life, and a great place to find good ones is church. Join us this Sunday for a gathering of Christ followers!
- Isaiah 40:31 – When you put your hope in God, He can renew your strength and give you stamina, so place all of your faith in Him. He will take care of you.
- 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 – Don’t be moved by the world around you, instead stand firm in love towards others.
- 1 Peter 5:7 – God cares about you, so put all your anxiety on Him.
- Deuteronomy 6:6-7 – Keep God’s commandments in your heart and think about them regularly, because they are good for you!
- Isaiah 12:2 – God is our salvation, our strength, and our defense, so we are well taken care of by Him.
- Isaiah 41:10 – Don’t be sad, but instead, place your trust in God’s plan and intentions. He is good.
- Proverbs 21:21 – Do you want to be honored and to prosper? Then pursue righteousness and love.
- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 – The difficult situations never last, only God and His people last, so don’t be worried but instead be encouraged by God’s eternal presence.
- Isaiah 43:2 – No matter how difficult life gets, God is with you. Even when life is cold and lonely or extremely stressful, God will be with you.
- Jeremiah 29:11 – God is aware of what you are going through, and where He is taking you. Don’t stress where you are at, but instead focus on the fact that God is taking care of you now and in the future.
- Romans 8:38-39 – God’s love is stronger than anything else. No difficulty, person, or thing can get in between you and God’s love. Trust in God today, because His love is for you always.
- John 16:33 – Life is going to be challenging, but you can have peace. God has overcome the world, so you can have tranquility in the middle of the storms of life.
- Mark 10:27 – Although the natural circumstance doesn’t look great, nothing is impossible with God. If God was able to raise His son from the dead, certainly He can guide your life.
- Matthew 11:28 – If you are tired or have a burden run to God, because He promises rest, even when we’re exhausted.
- Matthew 17:20 – Faith is the driving force for life change so have faith in God! So long as you trust in Him, He will protect you.
For more church ideas, like church name ideas, click here.