35 Examples of a Prayer for a Mother Who Just Lost Her Son

The loss of a child is a terrible tragedy. When we know someone who has lost their child, we have a responsibility to comfort and pray for those people. Finding the right things to say in prayer, however, can be a difficult thing to do. James 5:16 says, “16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” In this article, I have compiled 35 examples of prayer for a mother who just lost her son

I hope that these prayers help you to pray over a person who has had the death of a child. 

A Prayer of Trust in God

Father, sometimes, life does not go the way that we expect it to. But in all things, we know that you are in control. Your word says, “28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” So we can trust that in this dark time, you are in control. You will use this mother’s devastating time to bring new life and a future for everyone involved. We trust you, God, so comfort the mother who lost their child. 

A Prayer for God’s Will

God, we know that your will is perfect and pleasing. Although terrible things happen, your will prevails. The things that the enemy wants to use to hurt us, you use for good. So, don’t waste this season. Bring comfort to the family of the lost child. Use your will to bring glory to yourself and exalt the family. Fill them with your holy spirit and help them to walk with faith through this difficult time. 

A Prayer for Provision

Dear Father, we know this mother who is going through a difficult time. She has lost a son, so I pray that you will provide for her and her family. In challenging seasons, it is easy to fall away from work and a relationship with you, but I pray that she will lean into you and continue to work hard. She wouldn’t lose sight of the people around her, but instead, she would cherish them even more. God provides for their family, every good thing. Provide financially and spiritually with peace and joy. 

A Prayer of Steadfast Faith 

God, difficult times can lead to loss of faith. As this grieving mother is experiencing the loss of a son, I ask that she would not turn away from you. God, the bad times are the times when we need you the most, so I ask that this mother continue to faithfully follow you. That she wouldn’t run away from you, but that she would run to you. That she wouldn’t be tempted to give up, but she would be encouraged that she would see her son again. 

A Prayer of Protection from Vices

God, this mother is going through a tragic season of losing her son. I ask for her in this season that she would only run to you. She would not run to alcohol or drugs to ease the pain, but all the peace that she needs would be found in her relationship with you. That you would satisfy her. You are the living water, so make her not thirsty for the things of this world. Help her to be satisfied by your love and Holy Spirit. 

A Prayer of Spiritual Warfare

Father, I pray against any spiritual attack this mother might experience. She just lost a child, so she is probably vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. The enemy wants her to doubt and hate, but I pray you would shield her from the mental attacks of the enemy. Create a hedge of protection for her, so that she would be safe from the plans of the enemy. Make her a fort of safety in her relationship with you. That she would have a silo to run to in the times of mental storms. 

A Prayer for Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, I ask today that you would help this mother forgive. She just lost her son, and she might be tempted to blame others. To blame people for the things that have happened, but I pray that she would remember the story of the unforgiving servant. That she would remember that you have forgiven her so much, so she can forgive the people around her. I know it is hard, but I ask that you would prompt her to forgive and soften her heart. 

A Prayer for God’s Kingdom to Come

Father, we ask for good to come out of this situation. A mother has lost her child, and she is faithful to you. In this season, I ask you would comfort this mother and bring about your kingdom through this situation. That more people would come to know you through it. This mother would use this season as a testament to how good you are. Your glory be made known through this difficult time. Your name is praised for all of the good things happening and all the faith that is being strengthened. God, we love you, and we trust you, take care of this mother and bring your kingdom. 

A Prayer for New Life

God at the loss of a life we mourn. With this mother, we mourn. A deep grief has set over us, but we know that you call us to not grieve as the world does, instead, we are called to grieve with the hope of the future. That you will bring new life to everyone in this situation. To the son, that you would bring him back in Heaven. To the mother, that you would restore her spirit, and to the siblings that you would draw them closer together. God, bring new life in this season of lost life. 

A Prayer for Repentance

God, I ask over this mother who lost a child, that she would find repentance for the anger that she has allowed in her heart. The hatred and resentment that she feels would be fleeting, and she would turn to you. It’s easy to walk away from you in hard times, but I pray it will only be a season for her. As she has stepped away from you, I pray you will call her back to you. 

Strength Prayer

Heavenly Father, I am crying to you in my trouble. Deliver me from my distress, for I am empty and lost. I don’t know what to do or how to cope with life after the demise of my child. I loved my baby so much she was my world. Lord, give me the strength to go on and help me to take one step at a time as I come to terms with what has happened. Father, hold me and console me for it is only in you that I can find the strength to go on with life. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers. In Jesus’ holy name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Precious in the Sight of the Lord’s Prayer

God, you are my strength in this time when the anguish of my child’s death surrounds me, and my grief is unending. O Lord! Deliver my eyes from this flood of tears. My child was the light of my life, yet precious in your sight as well. I love you, Lord, for you have heard my appeal for mercy. You are gracious and righteous and full of compassion. My soul will return to its rest, knowing that you are good. I pray in the name of Jesus, my merciful Savior. Amen.

Comfort Prayer

Dear God, I bring every grieving parent into your throne of grace. Lord, they are going through a lot of pain after the loss of their children. It is not an easy thing for a parent to bury their child. Father comfort them. Help them to continue being faithful to you even through the pain. Lavish them with your love and fill the void left in their hearts with your unconditional love. In Jesus’ powerful name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Father of Compassion Prayer

Father of compassion, my joy is gone, my grief is beyond healing, and my heart is sick within me. O God of all comfort, I am crushed and broken, and my eyes are a fountain of tears. Even so, I bless you, my Lord, for you comfort us in all our troubles, so we can comfort others. I come boldly to your throne of grace to find mercy in my time of need. You bring hope and joy to the heaviest sorrows. Thank You for covering me with compassion through this loss of my child. Amen.

Refuge Prayer

Father God, You are my refuge and strength a present help in time of need. Lord, I need you right now. I don’t know how to cope with the loss of my child. I feel so lost it is like the whole world has crashed right before my eyes, and I don’t know where to put my next step. My heart hurts, and nothing makes sense to me. But I know you love me too much and you’re protecting me. Be my refuge now more than ever. Help me to accept what has happened and to hold onto the fond memories that I shared with my child instead of the pain, for I know I will see them again when I come into your presence. In Jesus’ mighty name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Our Ever-present Help Prayer

God, you are the Sustainer of our souls. We fling ourselves into your arms, for you are our ever-present help in our anguish. You are our refuge and strength through this time when our world has been turned upside-down. Thank you for being with us through the loss of our child, for being our fortress in our devastation. Our hearts are in agony, but we will be still and know that you are God. In the precious name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Grace Prayer

Father in heaven, let your grace be sufficient for me during this mourning period. Lord, knowing that I have to face each day without my child, is tough. But this is the confidence that I have, my child is in your presence where there is no sorrow or mourning. Help us to grieve as true believers of Jesus Christ, for we know that this is not the end we shall see each other in heaven. When we go through difficult times, remind us of the good times we had with our child and the joy that she brought in our lives. I honor you highly, for you are a loving Father. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Love Prayer

Oh Lord Jesus, come to my rescue. Surround me with your love as with a shield. I am broken because of the loss of our only beloved child. Jesus, I know that you understand my pain because you went through the same and even wept when Lazarus died. You know my pain and anguish, and that is why I have come to ask you to set me free from this pain. Remind me of your unconditional love that I may go through the pain and come out a victor. Whatever the enemy intended for my downfall, Lord, use it to lift me to places I never imagined. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Through Overwhelming Sorrow Prayer

O God, who inhabits eternity, my sorrow is bitter and rising up, threatening to overwhelm me. Yet, you are my glory. You lift up my head. I cry out loud to you, and you answer me. You sustain me through these endless nights when all I can think of is my lost child. I see no limit to my misery. Arise, O Lord, and deliver me from my deep sorrow. Heal my broken heart. In Jesus’ all-powerful name, I pray. Amen.

Peace Prayer

Loving Father, grant me peace, for I am full of fear and anxiety. I rest in your warm embrace, for I know that you will never let me go. Cover me with your wings of love and grant my family and me the peace that surpasses all understanding during this trying moment as we mourn the loss of our child. Heal our broken hearts and bind our wounds. Remind us of your promises about heaven and eternity, for we know that our child is in your presence right now. Lord, help us to find a path of healing so that we can move on from our pain and continue serving you. In Jesus’ holy name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Not Abandoned Prayer

Jesus, you are the Upholder of our lives. We thank you for your surpassingly great power and comfort in the unimaginable loss of our baby. Although we are pressed hard by grief, we are not crushed. We are perplexed by how you could allow this to happen, but we are not utterly at a loss and are overtaken by tears, but not abandoned by you. We are bowed down by this weight of dejection, but we know our baby is held in your arms. In the name of Jesus, who loves the little ones, we pray. Amen.

Mend My Broken Heart Prayer

Dear Lord, my heart is broken because of the loss of my only child. He was my special gift from you. His death has left me very confused, but I thank you for the chance you gave me to be his mother. Please mend my heart and remove all the anguish and pain that has broken it. Lord Jesus, help me to walk in your love every single day as I come to terms with what has happened. Remind me that death has been defeated on the cross, and it has no sting over my family and me because to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord. As we grieve, help me to remember that all is not lost. In Jesus’ all-knowing name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Your Tender Mercies Prayer

Lord, my hope is in you. Because of your tender mercies, I will not give up. Losing my child is losing my joy, my reason for living. And yet, your light shines in my heart, reminding me that my child’s spirit is resting with you, and we will be reunited when you return. Because of this, I will never give up, and I praise you for renewing my spirit day after day. I fix my gaze on you and on eternity. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Joy Prayer

Father, I’m in a dark place, and I don’t know how to get out of it. The loss of my child has left me hopeless and helpless. My spirit is crushed, and I don’t know where to go from here. Lord, I am holding onto you, fill my heart with unbreakable joy. Help me to release all the anger that is in my heart and show me how to help my family cope with the loss. In Jesus’ loving name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Focus on Jesus Prayer

Lord, when life doesn’t make sense, it is easy to turn to other things and people instead of you. Help me to focus on you alone as I mourn the loss of my child. I am trusting in you, O Lord. Please keep me in perfect peace during this grieving period. Help me to focus on things that are above where you belong. Deliver me from this pain that is becoming unbearable. You are my redeemer and my rock. Let my words be acceptable in your sight. In Jesus’ holy name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Fill My Emptiness Prayer

Lord, I don’t know why this happened to my family. Fill my empty heart with your love and peace. Help me to rise again and soar like eagles. Ease my pain and strengthen my relationship with you during this trying time. Quench my heart with your love and let your grace sustain me during this mourning period. Thank you for the time that you gave me with my child. May you secure those memories in my mind till we meet again. In Jesus’ loving name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Window to Eternity Prayer for Our Friends

God, my eternal Rock, please comfort this dear couple in their searing grief at the loss of their baby. Help them know that you are the window to eternity. When doubt clouds their minds, make them sure of hope of immortality in you, our solid Rock. Help them know that one day they and their baby will dwell together in the city of God. Help them glimpse through your window that day when pain and sorrow are replaced by joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Courage Prayer

O Lord, I am so scared of facing the reality of what has just happened. I don’t want to accept that our child is no more. Help me to be strong and courageous. Wipe away my tears and get me out of this pit of denial. Lord, may I get to know how much you love me in the midst of all that is happening. Please give me the strength to praise you even when it hurts and doesn’t make sense. In Jesus’ powerful name, I pray. Amen.

Troubled Heart Prayer

Lord, you are the light of my salvation I will not fear. Even though I am going through a hard time, I put my trust in you. You are the stronghold of my life go before my family and I as we prepare to lay our child to rest. Let your steadfast love comfort my troubled heart. Help me to remember that I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Trust Prayer

God in heaven, I don’t want to live like this because it hurts to the core of my heart. Rescue me from this pain, set me free from the sorrow of death. I am in despair, help me to find hope in you. Remove guilt from my heart for the enemy keeps attacking my mind about the death of my child. Cover me with your glory and strengthen me to overcome the lies that the enemy is feeding my soul. Help my family and me to walk in your glorious light. In Jesus’ all-knowing name, I pray. Amen.

Revelation of Heaven Prayer

God of all comfort, hold us close in this season of weeping. Our child has left our arms for your embrace. Our hearts are shattered, and yet we see through our tears a revelation of heaven. We see our child in blessed communion with you and understand, in part, what your great pain must have been when your own son, Jesus, died. We thank you for making a way through that great sacrifice. In the name of our loving and compassionate Savior, Jesus. Amen.

Your Presence Prayer

Almighty God, help my friends who have lost their only child to come to terms with what has happened. May they have constant communion with you during this difficult time and find shelter in your presence. Holy Spirit of God, teach them how to let go of the pain and allow God to reign in their lives amid the pain. Fill them with the hope of seeing their loved one again by bringing into remembrance scriptures about heaven and eternity. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Swallowed by Life Prayer

God, you are our Helper and we thank you that our child’s frail body has been swallowed by eternal life. Surely you swallow up death forever. We thank you for wiping our tears from our faces. Jesus, we thank you for destroying the one holding the power of death – the devil. We weep now, but we know we will rejoice on that great day in the future when you make all things new. Use us to share this wonderful message. In Jesus’ blessed name, Amen.

Hope Prayer

Lord, visit us today and give us faith to believe that our child who served faithfully is in your presence, and we will see him again. Remove anger and bitterness from our hearts and help us to accept the demise of our beloved child. Take away the pain and fill our hearts with your light. Help us to walk in love and fill us with joy everlasting. Lord, turn my mourning into dancing by reminding us about eternity. Let hope fill our hearts so that we may look forward to seeing our loved ones again. In Jesus’ holy name, we believe and pray. Amen.

Raised Imperishable Prayer for Our Friends

O Lord, you are our Good Shepherd and we lift up this family who has lost their beloved child. Tenderly comfort them, gracious Lord. Remind them that our perishable bodies will be raised as imperishable, raised in glory, raised in power, raised as spiritual bodies. Help them remember that their child’s mortality is swallowed up by immortality and that death is swallowed in victory. Comfort them and help them to be steadfast and immovable in their faith. In the name of Jesus, our first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. Amen.